Job Hunting Got You Tired And Frustrated? 8 Quick Tips To Ease Your Burden

3 min readAug 10, 2021

Job hunting doesn’t always have to be a stressful affair…

1- Set Your Career Goals and Put Them in a Diary

‘Where will I be when the year ends?’ It’s an uncomfortable question, but right now is the perfect time to ask yourself. Make a to-do list about your career, what you hope to achieve, and all your goals, dreams, and ambitions. Put them down on paper so that when you feel hope slipping away every time, this toughens your resolve.

2- Worship Your Routine

Job searching is an exhausting task. It drains your patience and dries your confidence to battle this. It is crucial to set yourself a daily routine and stick to it. Whatever happens, you get up regularly, get dressed, and complete your allotted tasks. It would give you a sense of accomplishment when you feel like nothing is going your way. Do smaller, manageable tasks, make a to-do list, stick to your daily routine!

3- Complaining and Grumbling Seldom Yield Results

Sitting around, waiting for things to change, would never get you out of the slump. Change only comes around when you initiate it and actively work for it. Don’t talk and grumble about it; make it happen! There’s no need to ask others’ permission and delay what you have in mind; get serious, and things would start going your way.

4- Join Job Search Groups

Looking and finding work is the easiest in an online community. It’s also a chance to chat with like-minded people and realize you’re not the only person who may be struggling. By joining specific groups, you’ll also be visible to recruiters looking for someone with your skillset. Stay with a motivated group to avoid getting stuck in negative thoughts.

5- Take Time Out

Your mental, physical and emotional well-being is of the utmost importance. Take time out for yourself, relax and recover from all the exhaustion. Take a healthy diet, work out, and have uninterrupted full sleep. The search routine is relentless and dealing with constant rejections, no-answers, and interviews are stressful. Take a break and recharge yourself before you get burnt out.

6- Stay Active Online

Job hunting can be as much about timing as anything. An excellent way to keep your opportunities open is to stay active online, especially in tools like LinkedIn. It means you are more likely to get noticed by appearing in search results when employers and recruiters search for people with a job title or a skillset like yours.

7- Replace Negative Feedback Loops with Positive Self-talk.

Often in these times, we start doubting ourselves, imagining success would never happen. Remind yourself of all the times you achieved a milestone. Success would come to you, even if it gets delayed and you’re losing motivation. Hold self-belief close to yourself and battle ahead!

8- Seek Help and Criticism

Your former colleagues and professors who helped you through studies and your co-workers can all provide you with necessary criticism. You know you’re struggling; seek assistance from the appropriate people, and they will support you. Maybe some can help perfect your elevator pitch, and someone else can help fix your resume and give tips on making cover letters. Focus on your core strengths and abilities.

Bsynergetic is a platform that provides a hub for students and graduates who are looking to network, find new job opportunities, and develop their career skills. We do this via our online platform, app, and events at universities. If you are interested in checking out some of our other content please visit our other insights.

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